The AbstractRound class


For clarity, the snippets of code presented here are a simplified version of the actual implementation. We refer the reader to the Open Autonomy API for the complete details.

The AbstractRound class is the parent class of all the Round subclasses of an FSM App. It is in charge of processing the requests coming from the ABCI Handler, and it defines a number of abstract methods that must be implemented by its subclasses, namely: - end_block() - check_payload() - process_payload()

For convenience, the Open Autonomy framework provides a collection of helper classes that derive from the AbstractRound class that represent common situations when defining custom rounds. This way the developer is freed from having to implement the check_payload() and process_payload() methods above. These classes are:

  • CollectDifferentUntilAllRound: This class represents logic for rounds where a round needs to collect different payloads from each agent.
  • CollectSameUntilAllRound: This class represents logic for when a round needs to collect the same payload from all the agents.
  • CollectSameUntilThresholdRound: This class represents logic for rounds where a round needs to collect same payload from \(k\) of \(n\) agents.
  • OnlyKeeperSendsRound: This class represents logic for rounds where only one agent sends a payload.
  • VotingRound: This class represents logic for rounds where a round needs votes from agents, pass if \(k\) same votes of \(n\) agents.
  • CollectDifferentUntilThresholdRound: This class represents logic for rounds where a round needs to collect different payloads from \(k\) of \(n\) agents
  • CollectNonEmptyUntilThresholdRound: This class represents logic for rounds where we need to collect payloads from each agent which will contain optional, different data and only keep the non-empty. This round may be used for cases that we want to collect all the agent's data, such as late-arriving messages.

Thus, an example on how these classes are used is as follows:

class MyFsmAppAbstractRound(AbstractRound[Event, TransactionType], ABC):

    def synchronized_data(self) -> SynchronizedData:
        return cast(SynchronizedData, self._synchronized_data)

    def _return_no_majority_event(self) -> Tuple[SynchronizedData, Event]:
        return self.synchronized_data, Event.NO_MAJORITY

class RegistrationRound(CollectDifferentUntilAllRound, MyFsmAppAbstractRound):

    round_id = "registration"
    allowed_tx_type = RegistrationPayload.transaction_type
    payload_attribute = "sender"

    def end_block(self) -> Optional[Tuple[BaseSynchronizedData, Event]]:

        if self.collection_threshold_reached:
            synchronized_data = self.synchronized_data.update(
            return synchronized_data, Event.DONE
        return None

The developer needs, therefore, to implement the end_block() method, which requires to return the updated SynchronizedData object, together with the event generated after evaluating the received data in that round.