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autonomy analyse

Tools for analysing and verifying agent services.

This command group consists of a number of functionalities to analyse and verify agent services, including FSM App skill consistency checks. See the appropriate subcommands for more information.

autonomy analyse docstrings

Analyse FSM App skill docstring definitions.

This command verifies that the AbciApp class docstring is follows a standard format.


The docstring corresponding to the Hello World agent service is


Initial round: RegistrationRound

Initial states: {RegistrationRound}

Transition states:
    1. RegistrationRound
        - done: 1.
    2. CollectRandomnessRound
        - done: 2.
        - no majority: 1.
        - round timeout: 1.
    3. SelectKeeperRound
        - done: 3.
        - no majority: 0.
        - round timeout: 0.
    4. PrintMessageRound
        - done: 4.
        - round timeout: 0.
    5. ResetAndPauseRound
        - done: 1.
        - no majority: 0.
        - reset timeout: 0.

Final states: {}

    round timeout: 30.0
    reset timeout: 30.0


autonomy analyse docstrings [OPTIONS]


Update docstrings if required.
Show the help message and exit.


To analyse all the FSM App skill docstrings within the local registry, run the following command in the directory containing the registry:

autonomy analyse docstrings

To update/fix the FSM App skill docstrings, run the following command:

autonomy analyse docstrings --update

autonomy analyse fsm-specs

Verify the FSM App against its specification or generate the FSM App specification file.


Usage: autonomy analyse fsm-specs [OPTIONS]


--package PATH
Path to the package containing the FSM App skill.
--app-class ABCI_APP_CLASS
Name of the AbciApp class of the FSM App.
Update/create the FSM App definition file if check fails.
YAML file (default).
JSON file.
Mermaid file.
Show the help message and exit.


Analyse the FSM App specification for the hello_world_abci:

autonomy analyse fsm-specs --package ./packages/valory/skills/hello_world_abci

Update/create the FSM App specification for the hello_world_abci in YAML format:

autonomy analyse fsm-specs --package ./packages/valory/skills/hello_world_abci --app-class HelloWorldAbciApp --update

Export the FSM App specification for the hello_world_abci in Mermaid format:

autonomy analyse fsm-specs --package ./packages/valory/skills/hello_world_abci --app-class HelloWorldAbciApp --update --mermaid

Analyse all the FSM App specifications in a local registry. This command must be executed in a directory containing the local registry:

autonomy analyse fsm-specs

autonomy analyse handlers

Verify existence of handler definitions.

This command verifies that all the FSM App skills in a local registry (except the explicitly excluded ones) have defined the specified handlers.


autonomy analyse handlers [OPTIONS]


-h, --common-handlers HANDLER_NAME
Specify which handlers to check. E.g., -h handler_a -h handler_b -h handler_c.
-i, --ignore SKILL_NAME
Specify which skills to skip. E.g., -i skill_0, -i skill_1, -i skill_2.
Show the help message and exit.


Ensure that handlers http and signing are defined in all the FSM App skills in a local registry, except the skills excluded_skill_1 and excluded_skill_2:

autonomy analyse handlers -h http -h signing -i excluded_skill_1 -i excluded_skill_2

autonomy analyse dialogues

Check dialogues definitions in a skill package.

This command verifies that all the FSM App skills in a local registry (except the explicitly excluded ones) have defined the specified dialogues.


autonomy analyse dialogues [OPTIONS]


-d, --dialogue TEXT
Specify which dialogues to check. Eg. -d dialogue_a, -d dialogue_b, -d dialogue_c.
-i, --ignore SKILL_NAME
Specify which skills to skip. E.g., -i skill_0, -i skill_1, -i skill_2.
Show the help message and exit.


Ensure that dialogues abci_dialogues and http_dialogues are defined in all the FSM App skills in a local registry, except the skills excluded_skill_1 and excluded_skill_2:

autonomy analyse dialogues -d abci_dialogues -d http_dialogues -i excluded_skill_1 -i excluded_skill_2


autonomy analyse dialogues -d abci -d http -i excluded_skill_1 -i excluded_skill_2

Since the command will automatically append the _dialogues postfix if not provided by the user.

autonomy analyse logs

Parse logs of an agent service.


autonomy analyse logs [OPTIONS]


--from-dir PATH
Path to logs directory [required]
Use this flag to reset the log database.
-a, --agent TEXT
Agent IDs to include in analysis
--start-time TEXT
Start time in YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S,MS format
--end-time TEXT
End time in YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S,MS format
Logging level.
--period INTEGER
Period ID
--round TEXT
Round name
--behaviour TEXT
Behaviour name filter
Print only the FSM execution path
-ir, --include-regex TEXT
Regex pattern to include in the result.
-er, --exclude-regex TEXT
Regex pattern to exclude from the result.
Show the help message and exit.



This section will be added soon.

autonomy analyse benchmarks

Aggregate benchmark results from agent service deployments.

This tool requires the benchmark data generated from service agent's runtime. By default the tool will aggregate the output for all the periods and code block types but you can restrict the aggregation to a specific period and/or a specific block type.

Read the guide on how to use the benchmarking tool for more information.


autonomy analyse benchmarks [OPTIONS] PATH


-b, --block-type [local|consensus|total|all]

Block type:

  • local: only consider local code blocks,
  • consensus: only consider consensus code blocks,
  • total: consider local + consensus code blocks together.
  • all: consider local and consensus code blocks.
-d, --period PERIOD_NUM
-o, --output FILE
Output file name.
Show the help message and exit.


The benchmark data will be stored in the folder <service_folder>/abci_build_hAsH/persistent_data/benchmarks.

To aggregate stats for all periods, execute:

autonomy analyse benchmarks abci_build_hAsH/persistent_data/benchmarks

To aggregate stats for consensus block type in the second period, execute:

    autonomy analyse benchmarks abci_build_hAsH/persistent_data/benchmarks --period 2 --block-type consensus

autonomy analyse service

Analyse if the service is ready to be deployed or not.

This tool can be used to analyse a service definition and see if there are any potential issues with configuration which can cause issues when running the deployment.

Read the guide on deployment readiness for more information.


autonomy analyse service [OPTIONS]


--token-id INTEGER
Token ID of the service
--public-id PUBLIC_ID_OR_HASH
Public ID of the service
To use celo-alfajores chain profile to interact with the contracts
To use celo chain profile to interact with the contracts
To use base-sepolia chain profile to interact with the contracts
To use base chain profile to interact with the contracts
To use optimistic-sepolia chain profile to interact with the contracts
To use optimistic chain profile to interact with the contracts
To use arbitrum-sepolia chain profile to interact with the contracts
To use arbitrum-one chain profile to interact with the contracts
To use chiado chain profile to interact with the contracts
To use gnosis chain profile to interact with the contracts
To use polygon-mumbai chain profile to interact with the contracts
To use polygon chain profile to interact with the contracts
To use ethereum chain profile to interact with the contracts
To use custom-chain chain profile to interact with the contracts
To use local chain profile to interact with the contracts
Show the help message and exit.


Analyse the service valory/hello_world using

autonomy analyse service --public-id valory/hello_world

Analyse an on-chain service with token ID 1 using

autonomy analyse service --token-id 1