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This module contains all the interaction operations of the behaviours with IPFS.

IPFSInteractionError Objects

class IPFSInteractionError(Exception)

A custom exception for IPFS interaction errors.

IPFSInteract Objects

class IPFSInteract()

Class for interacting with IPFS.


def __init__(loader_cls: Type = Loader, storer_cls: Type = Storer)

Initialize an IPFSInteract object.


def store(filepath: str,
          obj: SupportedObjectType,
          multiple: bool,
          filetype: Optional[SupportedFiletype] = None,
          custom_storer: Optional[CustomStorerType] = None,
          **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, str]

Temporarily store a file locally, in order to send it to IPFS and retrieve a hash, and then delete it.


def load(serialized_objects: Dict[str, str],
         filetype: Optional[SupportedFiletype] = None,
         custom_loader: CustomLoaderType = None) -> SupportedObjectType

Deserialize objects received via IPFS.