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Deployment helpers.


def run_deployment(build_dir: Path,
                   no_recreate: bool = False,
                   remove_orphans: bool = False,
                   detach: bool = False) -> None

Run deployment.


def stop_deployment(build_dir: Path) -> None

Stop running deployment.


def build_deployment(keys_file: Path,
                     build_dir: Path,
                     deployment_type: str,
                     dev_mode: bool,
                     number_of_agents: Optional[int] = None,
                     packages_dir: Optional[Path] = None,
                     open_aea_dir: Optional[Path] = None,
                     open_autonomy_dir: Optional[Path] = None,
                     agent_instances: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                     multisig_address: Optional[str] = None,
                     consensus_threshold: Optional[int] = None,
                     log_level: str = INFO,
                     apply_environment_variables: bool = False,
                     image_version: Optional[str] = None,
                     use_hardhat: bool = False,
                     use_acn: bool = False,
                     use_tm_testnet_setup: bool = False,
                     image_author: Optional[str] = None,
                     resources: Optional[Resources] = None) -> None

Build deployment.


def build_and_deploy_from_token(token_id: int,
                                keys_file: Path,
                                chain_type: ChainType,
                                skip_image: bool,
                                n: Optional[int],
                                deployment_type: str,
                                aev: bool = False,
                                no_deploy: bool = False,
                                detach: bool = False,
                                resources: Optional[Resources] = None) -> None

Build and run deployment from tokenID.