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Deploy the service

The final step in the development process is deploying the service. There are multiple deployment options to consider, such as deploying on your local machine for testing, deploying on a cluster within your own infrastructure, or deploying on a cloud provider.

Part of the development process covered in this guide

The framework supports Docker Compose and Kubernetes cluster deployments. Additionally, the framework automates several steps in the deployment process for services registered in the Autonolas Protocol.


Local service deployments are commonly used for testing services during active development. These deployments allow you to test and validate your service before minting it in the Autonolas Protocol, ensuring its readiness for production use.

What you will learn

This guide covers step 6 of the development process. You will learn the different types of service deployments offered by the framework.

You must ensure that your machine satisfies the framework requirements, you have set up the framework, and you have a local registry populated with some default components. As a result you should have a Pipenv workspace folder with an initialized local registry (./packages) in it.

Local deployment - full workflow

We illustrate the full local deployment workflow using the hello_world service as an example, both for Docker Compose and a simple Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Fetch the service. In the workspace folder, fetch the service from the corresponding registry:

    autonomy packages lock
    autonomy push-all
    autonomy fetch valory/hello_world:0.1.0 --service --local

    autonomy fetch valory/hello_world:0.1.0:bafybeifvk5uvlnmugnefhdxp26p6q2krc5i5ga6hlwgg6xyyn5b6hknmru --service
  2. Build the agents' image. Navigate to the service runtime folder that you have just created and build the Docker image of the agents of the service:

    cd hello_world
    autonomy build-image #(1)!
    1. Check out the autonomy build-image command documentation to learn more about its parameters and options.

    After the command finishes, you can check that the image has been created by executing:

    docker image ls | grep <agent_name>

    You can find the agent_name within the service configuration file service.yaml.

  3. Prepare the keys file. Prepare a JSON file keys.json containing the wallet address and the private key for each of the agents that you wish to deploy in the local machine.

    Example of a keys.json file

    WARNING: Use this file for testing purposes only. Never use the keys or addresses provided in this example in a production environment or for personal use.

          "address": "0x15d34AAf54267DB7D7c367839AAf71A00a2C6A65",
          "private_key": "0x47e179ec197488593b187f80a00eb0da91f1b9d0b13f8733639f19c30a34926a"
          "address": "0x9965507D1a55bcC2695C58ba16FB37d819B0A4dc",
          "private_key": "0x8b3a350cf5c34c9194ca85829a2df0ec3153be0318b5e2d3348e872092edffba"
          "address": "0x976EA74026E726554dB657fA54763abd0C3a0aa9",
          "private_key": "0x92db14e403b83dfe3df233f83dfa3a0d7096f21ca9b0d6d6b8d88b2b4ec1564e"
          "address": "0x14dC79964da2C08b23698B3D3cc7Ca32193d9955",
          "private_key": "0x4bbbf85ce3377467afe5d46f804f221813b2bb87f24d81f60f1fcdbf7cbf4356"

    You also need to export the environment variable ALL_PARTICIPANTS with the addresses of all the agents in the service. In other words, the addresses of the agents you are deploying (in the keys.json file) must be a subset of the addresses in ALL_PARTICIPANTS, which might contain additional addresses:

    export ALL_PARTICIPANTS='[

    If you have a situation where you need to define keys for multiple ledgers you can define them using the following format

                "address": "4Si...",
                "private_key": "5P1...",
                "ledger": "solana"
                "address": "0x1...",
                "private_key": "0x1...",
                "ledger": "ethereum"
                "address": "H1R...",
                "private_key": "2T1...",
                "ledger": "solana"
                "address": "0x6...",
                "private_key": "0xc...",
                "ledger": "ethereum"
                "address": "3bq...",
                "private_key": "5r5...",
                "ledger": "solana"
                "address": "0x5...",
                "private_key": "0x7...",
                "ledger": "ethereum"
                "address": "6Gq...",
                "private_key": "25c...",
                "ledger": "solana"
                "address": "0x5...",
                "private_key": "0x7...",
                "ledger": "ethereum"
  4. Build the deployment. Within the service runtime folder, execute the command below to build the service deployment:

    rm -rf abci_build #(1)!
    autonomy deploy build keys.json -ltm #(2)!
    1. Delete previous deployments, if necessary.
    2. -ltm stands for "use local Tendermint node". Check out the autonomy deploy build command documentation to learn more about its parameters and options.

    This will create a deployment environment within the ./abci_build folder with the following structure:

    ├── agent_keys
    │   ├── agent_0
    │   ├── agent_1
    │   |   ...
    │   └── agent_<N-1>
    ├── nodes
    │   ├── node0
    │   ├── node1
    │   |   ...
    │   └── node<N-1>
    ├── persistent_data
    │   ├── benchmarks
    │   ├── logs
    │   ├── tm_state
    │   └── venvs
    └── docker-compose.yaml
    rm -rf abci_build #(1)!
    autonomy deploy build keys.json -ltm --kubernetes #(2)!
    1. Delete previous deployments, if necessary.
    2. -ltm stands for "use local Tendermint node". Check out the autonomy deploy build command documentation to learn more about its parameters and options.

    This will create a deployment environment within the ./abci_build folder with the following structure:

    ├── agent_keys
    │   ├── agent_0_private_key.yaml
    │   ├── agent_1_private_key.yaml
    │   |   ...
    │   └── agent_<N-1>_private_key.yaml
    ├── build.yaml
    └── persistent_data
        ├── benchmarks
        ├── logs
        ├── tm_state
        └── venvs
  5. Execute the deployment. Navigate to the deployment environment folder (./abci_build) and run the deployment locally.

    cd abci_build
    autonomy deploy run #(1)!
    1. Check out the autonomy deploy run command documentation to learn more about its parameters and options.

    This will spawn in the local machine:

    • \(N\) agents containers, each one running an instance of the corresponding FSM App.
    • a network of \(N\) Tendermint nodes, one per agent.

    We show how to run the service deployment using a local minikube cluster. You might want to consider other local cluster options such as kind.

    1. Create the minikube Kubernetes cluster.

      cd abci_build
      minikube start --driver=docker

    2. Install chart

      helm repo add nfs-ganesha-server-and-external-provisioner
      helm install nfs-provisioner nfs-ganesha-server-and-external-provisioner/nfs-server-provisioner \
          --set=image.tag=v3.0.0,resources.limits.cpu=200m, -n nfs-local --create-namespace
    3. Make sure your image is pushed to Docker Hub (docker push). If this is not the case, you need to provision the cluster with the agent image so that it is available for the cluster pods. This step might take a while, depending on the size of the image.

      minikube image load <repository>:<tag> # (1)!

      1. You can get the <repository> and <tag> by inspecting the output of docker image ls.

      In this case, you also might need to change all the instances of imagePullPolicy: Always to imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent in the deployment file build.yaml.

    4. Define the StorageClass. Replace with your NFS provisioner and adjust per your requirements. We use minikube-hostpath as an example.

      cat <<EOF > storageclass.yaml
      kind: StorageClass
          name: nfs-ephemeral
      volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
      reclaimPolicy: Retain

    5. Apply all the deployment files to the cluster

      kubectl apply --recursive -f .

    After executing these commands, the minikube cluster will start provisioning and starting \(N\) pods in the cluster. Each pod contains:

    • one agent container, running an instance of the corresponding FSM App.
    • one Tendermint node associated to the agent.
  6. Examine the deployment.

    To inspect the logs of a single agent or Tendermint node you can execute docker logs <container_id> --follow in a separate terminal.

    You can cancel the local execution at any time by pressing Ctrl+C.

    You can access the cluster dashboard by executing minikube dashboard in a separate terminal. To examine the logs of a single agent or Tendermint node you can execute:

    1. Get the Kubernetes pod names.

      kubectl get pod

    2. Access the logs of the agent in pod <pod-name>.

      kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -c aea -- /bin/sh

    3. Access the logs of the Tendermint node in pod <pod-name>.

      kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -c node0 -- /bin/sh

    You can delete the local cluster by executing minikube delete.

Local deployment of minted services

The framework provides a convenient method to deploy agent services minted in the Autonolas Protocol. This has the benefit that some configuration parameters of the FSM App skill will be overridden automatically with values obtained on-chain. Namely:

# (...)
        all_participants:      # Overridden with the registered values in the Autonolas protocol
        safe_contract_address: # Overridden with the registered values in the Autonolas protocol
        consensus_threshold:   # Overridden with the registered values in the Autonolas protocol

This means, in particular, that there is no need to define the ALL_PARTICIPANTS environment variable.

  1. Find the service ID. Explore the services section in the Autonolas Protocol web app, and note the token ID of the service that you want to deploy. The service must be in Deployed state.

  2. Prepare the keys file. Prepare a JSON file keys.json containing the wallet address and the private key for each of the agents that you wish to deploy in the local machine.

    Example of a keys.json file

    WARNING: Use this file for testing purposes only. Never use the keys or addresses provided in this example in a production environment or for personal use.

          "address": "0x15d34AAf54267DB7D7c367839AAf71A00a2C6A65",
          "private_key": "0x47e179ec197488593b187f80a00eb0da91f1b9d0b13f8733639f19c30a34926a"
          "address": "0x9965507D1a55bcC2695C58ba16FB37d819B0A4dc",
          "private_key": "0x8b3a350cf5c34c9194ca85829a2df0ec3153be0318b5e2d3348e872092edffba"
          "address": "0x976EA74026E726554dB657fA54763abd0C3a0aa9",
          "private_key": "0x92db14e403b83dfe3df233f83dfa3a0d7096f21ca9b0d6d6b8d88b2b4ec1564e"
          "address": "0x14dC79964da2C08b23698B3D3cc7Ca32193d9955",
          "private_key": "0x4bbbf85ce3377467afe5d46f804f221813b2bb87f24d81f60f1fcdbf7cbf4356"
  3. Deploy the service. Execute the following command:

    autonomy deploy from-token <ID> keys.json --use-goerli # (1)!
    1. --use-goerli indicates that the service is registered in the Görli testnet. Check out the autonomy deploy from-token command documentation to learn more about its parameters and options.

    The Docker Compose deployment will be built and run for the agents whose keys are defined in the keys.json file. If you just want to build the deployment without running it, simply add the flag --no-deploy.

    autonomy deploy from-token <ID> keys.json --use-goerli --kubernetes # (1)!
    1. --use-goerli indicates that the service is registered in the Görli testnet. Check out the autonomy deploy from-token command documentation to learn more about its parameters and options.

    The Kubernetes deployment will be built for the agents whose keys are defined in the keys.json file. You need to deploy the service in the local cluster manually. Follow the instructions in Step 5 of the local deployment - full workflow section.

Cloud deployment

The sections above for local deployments provide a fundamental understanding of how to deploy agent services in general. The Open Operator repository provides the necessary resources and guidelines for seamless cloud deployments of agent services based on the Open Autonomy framework.