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autonomy fetch

Fetch an agent or agent service from a registry.


autonomy fetch [OPTIONS] PUBLIC_ID_OR_HASH


To use a remote registry.
To use a local registry.
--alias TEXT
Provide a local alias for the agent or service.
Specify the package type as agent (default).
Specify the package type as service.
Show the help message and exit.


Fetch the agent hello_world from the local registry and assign the alias my_hello_world_agent:

autonomy fetch --local --alias my_hello_world_agent valory/hello_world:0.1.0

Fetch the agent hello_world from the default registry (initialized with autonomy init):

autonomy fetch valory/hello_world:0.1.0

Fetch the agent service hello_world from a local registry with an explicit path:

autonomy --registry-path=./packages fetch valory/hello_world:0.1.0 --service --local

Fetch the agent service hello_world from a remote registry (IPFS):

autonomy fetch valory/hello_world:0.1.0:bafybeifvk5uvlnmugnefhdxp26p6q2krc5i5ga6hlwgg6xyyn5b6hknmru --service --remote