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Define the agent

The next step consists in defining the service agent. All agents in the service share the same code base. However, each operator can configure their agent instance. For example, in an oracle service, each operator can define a different data provider.

Part of the development process covered in this guide

What you will learn

This guide covers step 3 of the development process. You will learn how to define the service agent, how to add the FSM App, and how to add other existing components required by your agent.

You must ensure that your machine satisfies the framework requirements, you have set up the framework, and you have a local registry populated with some default components. As a result you should have a Pipenv workspace folder with an initialized local registry (./packages) in it.

Step-by-step instructions

In order to deploy and run a service you need an agent with a working FSM App. We base this guide on a default FSM App available in the remote registry, namely, the hello_world_abci FSM App. As a result, we will define an agent implementing a functionality equivalent to the Hello World service. You can, of course, use your own FSM App to define your agent.


If you have just scaffolded an FSM App in the previous step but you didn't complete coding the business logic, then an agent that uses that FSM App will fail to run. For this reason, we recommend that you use the hello_world_abci FSM App in a first read of this guide.

  1. Ensure that the components required by your agent are in the local registry. All the required components by your agent and their dependencies must be downloaded to the local registry. You can read how to add missing components to the local registry. If you have populated the local registry with the required components to follow these guides, you do not need to take any further action.

  2. Create the agent configuration file. Create a folder for your agent in the local registry (./packages). Pay attention to the correct format of the folder:

    mkdir -p ./packages/your_name/agents/your_agent/

    Within the agent folder, create the agent configuration file aea-config.yaml:

    touch ./packages/your_name/agents/your_agent/aea-config.yaml

    This file must contain:

    • A number of mandatory parameters.


      Ensure that author and agent_name match the path within the local registry.

    • A reference to the FSM App skill.

    • References to other components required by the agent (or dependencies of the FSM App skill), under the relevant sections.


      There are a number of components which are mandatory for agents that are part of a service:

      • Connections: valory/abci.
      • Protocols: open_aea/signing, valory/abci, valory/acn(*).
      • Skills: valory/abstract_abci, valory/abstract_round_abci, valory/termination_abci(*).

      (*) Components required only if the service is minted in the Autonolas Protocol.

    • Configuration overrides that specify values for component parameters. These overrides are separated by YAML document separators --- and will be discussed in a further section.

    Example of an aea-config.yaml file

    This is a complete example of an agent configuration file that uses the hello_world_abci FSM App and overrides some required component parameters.

    You will notice that there are a lot of parameters to be configured for the required components. For an initial read of this guide, you can ignore these parameters, but it is important that you identify how the references to the particular component parameter being overridden.

    agent_name: your_agent
    author: your_name
    version: 0.1.0
    license: Apache-2.0
    description: Example of an agent.
    aea_version: '>=1.0.0, <2.0.0'
    fingerprint: {}
    fingerprint_ignore_patterns: []
    - valory/abci:0.1.0
    - valory/http_client:0.23.0
    - valory/ipfs:0.1.0
    - valory/ledger:0.19.0
    - valory/p2p_libp2p_client:0.1.0
    contracts: []
    - open_aea/signing:1.0.0
    - valory/abci:0.1.0
    - valory/http:1.0.0
    - valory/ipfs:0.1.0
    - valory/abstract_abci:0.1.0
    - valory/abstract_round_abci:0.1.0
    - valory/hello_world_abci:0.1.0
    default_ledger: ethereum
    - ethereum
    default_routing: {}
    connection_private_key_paths: {}
    private_key_paths: {}
      version: 1
      disable_existing_loggers: false
          format: '[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s'
          class: logging.FileHandler
          formatter: standard
          filename: ${LOG_FILE:str:log.txt}
          level: INFO
          class: logging.StreamHandler
          formatter: standard
          stream: ext://sys.stdout
          - logfile
          - console
          propagate: true
        version: ==1.48.0
        version: ==0.12.1.post1
    default_connection: null
    public_id: valory/hello_world_abci:0.1.0
    type: skill
          log_dir: ${str:/benchmarks}
          hello_world_message: ${str:HELLO_WORLD!}
          service_registry_address: ${str:null}
          share_tm_config_on_startup: ${bool:false}
          on_chain_service_id: ${int:null}
            all_participants: ${list:[]}
            safe_contract_address: ${str:'0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'}
            consensus_threshold: ${int:null}
          tendermint_url: ${str:http://localhost:26657}
          tendermint_com_url: ${str:http://localhost:8080}
    public_id: valory/abci:0.1.0
    type: connection
      target_skill_id: valory/hello_world_abci:0.1.0
      host: ${str:localhost}
      port: ${int:26658}
      use_tendermint: ${bool:false}
    public_id: valory/ledger:0.19.0
    type: connection
          address: ${str:http://localhost:8545}
          chain_id: ${int:31337}
          poa_chain: ${bool:false}
          default_gas_price_strategy: ${str:eip1559}
    public_id: valory/p2p_libp2p_client:0.1.0
    type: connection
      - uri: ${}
        public_key: ${str:02d3a830c9d6ea1ae91936951430dee11f4662f33118b02190693be835359a9d77}
      - uri: ${}
        public_key: ${str:02e741c62d706e1dcf6986bf37fa74b98681bc32669623ac9ee6ff72488d4f59e8}
    - identifier: acn
      ledger_id: ethereum
      message_format: '{public_key}'
      not_after: '2025-01-01'
      not_before: '2024-01-01'
      public_key: ${str:02d3a830c9d6ea1ae91936951430dee11f4662f33118b02190693be835359a9d77}
      save_path: .certs/acn_cosmos_9005.txt
    - identifier: acn
      ledger_id: ethereum
      message_format: '{public_key}'
      not_after: '2025-01-01'
      not_before: '2024-01-01'
      public_key: ${str:02e741c62d706e1dcf6986bf37fa74b98681bc32669623ac9ee6ff72488d4f59e8}
      save_path: .certs/acn_cosmos_9006.txt
    is_abstract: true

    You should also create a file with the description of your agent in plain text or Markdown format:

    echo "Your agent description." > ./packages/your_name/agents/your_agent/
  3. Create an entry for your agent in the local registry. Add the corresponding entry to the local registry index file (./packages/packages.json). You must add the entry to the dev section, because it is a component being developed by you. You can use a placeholder for its hash value, as it will be corrected afterwards:

      "dev": {
        "agent/your_name/your_agent/0.1.0": "bafybei0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        /* (1)! */
      "third_party": {
        /* (2)! */

    1. Any other dev entries that you have go here. Entries must be comma-separated (,).
    2. Any other third_party entries that you have go here. Entries must be comma-separated (,).

    Update the package hashes. The command below will correct any hash mismatch in the aea-config.yaml file, as well as in the local registry index file (./packages/packages.json):

    autonomy packages lock
  4. (Optional) Run and test the agent locally. We will show you how to run a service deployment with multiple agents in the next guide. However, you can also run a standalone version (that is, without being part of a service) of the agent you have created. This can be useful to test and debug certain features quickly. Below we will be using the valory/hello_world agent, but you can replace it by your_name/your_agent accordingly.

    1. In the workspace folder, fetch the agent from the local registry:

      autonomy fetch valory/hello_world:0.1.0 --local
    2. Provision your agent with an Ethereum private key:

      cd hello_world
      echo -n "0x47e179ec197488593b187f80a00eb0da91f1b9d0b13f8733639f19c30a34926a" > your_agent_key.txt
      autonomy add-key ethereum your_agent_key.txt

      If your agent is using an FSM App, you also need to override the variable all_participants in the aea-config.yaml file with the wallet address of this private key as follows:

      # (...)
      all_participants: ${list:["0x15d34AAf54267DB7D7c367839AAf71A00a2C6A65"]}

      WARNING: Use this key for testing purposes only. Never use keys or addresses provided in this example in a production environment or for personal use.

    3. Run your agent:

      autonomy -s run #(1)!
      1. The -s flag will skip consistency checks of agent during command execution. This is required because the aea-config.yaml file was modified.

      At this point, you may notice that your agent requires specific Python packages to be installed. For the valory/hello_world agent, you can do so by executing:

      pip install hypothesis grpcio typing-extensions py-ecc asn1crypto

      You can retry running your agent afterwards.

    4. On a separate terminal, open a Tendermint node:

      rm -rf ~/.tendermint #(1)!
      tendermint init
      tendermint node --proxy_app=tcp:// --rpc.laddr=tcp:// --p2p.laddr=tcp:// --p2p.seeds= --consensus.create_empty_blocks=true
      1. This will prevent errors caused by dirty files from earlier executions of Tendermint. Ensure that you don't want to keep these files.

    At this point, you should see how your agent runs and exchanges messages with the Tendermint node. Note that, while running an isolated agent might be useful to quickly test and debug certain functionalities, you need to build and test a whole service deployment to ensure that it works as intended.