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This module contains the class to connect to an Gnosis Safe contract.


def checksum_address(agent_address: str) -> ChecksumAddress

Get the checksum address.

SafeOperation Objects

class SafeOperation(Enum)

Operation types.

GnosisSafeContract Objects

class GnosisSafeContract(Contract)

The Gnosis Safe contract.


def get_raw_transaction(cls, ledger_api: LedgerApi, contract_address: str,
                        **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[JSONLike]

Get the Safe transaction.


def get_raw_message(cls, ledger_api: LedgerApi, contract_address: str,
                    **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[bytes]

Get raw message.


def get_state(cls, ledger_api: LedgerApi, contract_address: str,
              **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[JSONLike]

Get state.


def get_deploy_transaction(cls, ledger_api: LedgerApi, deployer_address: str,
                           **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[JSONLike]

Get deploy transaction.


  • ledger_api: ledger API object.
  • deployer_address: the deployer address.
  • kwargs: the keyword arguments.


an optional JSON-like object.


def get_raw_safe_transaction_hash(cls,
                                  ledger_api: EthereumApi,
                                  contract_address: str,
                                  to_address: str,
                                  value: int,
                                  data: bytes,
                                  operation: int = SafeOperation.CALL.value,
                                  safe_tx_gas: int = 0,
                                  base_gas: int = 0,
                                  gas_price: int = 0,
                                  gas_token: str = NULL_ADDRESS,
                                  refund_receiver: str = NULL_ADDRESS,
                                  safe_nonce: Optional[int] = None,
                                  safe_version: Optional[str] = None,
                                  chain_id: Optional[int] = None) -> JSONLike

Get the hash of the raw Safe transaction.

Adapted from

Note, because safe_nonce is included in the tx_hash the agents implicitly agree on the order of txs if they agree on a tx_hash.


  • ledger_api: the ledger API object
  • contract_address: the contract address
  • to_address: the tx recipient address
  • value: the ETH value of the transaction
  • data: the data of the transaction
  • operation: Operation type of Safe transaction
  • safe_tx_gas: Gas that should be used for the Safe transaction
  • base_gas: Gas costs for that are independent of the transaction execution (e.g. base transaction fee, signature check, payment of the refund)
  • gas_price: Gas price that should be used for the payment calculation
  • gas_token: Token address (or 0x000..000 if ETH) that is used for the payment
  • refund_receiver: Address of receiver of gas payment (or 0x000..000 if tx.origin).
  • safe_nonce: Current nonce of the Safe. If not provided, it will be retrieved from network
  • safe_version: Safe version 1.0.0 renamed baseGas to dataGas. Safe version 1.3.0 added chainId to the domainSeparator. If not provided, it will be retrieved from network
  • chain_id: Ethereum network chain_id is used in hash calculation for Safes >= 1.3.0. If not provided, it will be retrieved from the provided ethereum_client


the hash of the raw Safe transaction


def get_packed_signatures(cls, owners: Tuple[str],
                          signatures_by_owner: Dict[str, str]) -> bytes

Get the packed signatures.


def get_raw_safe_transaction(cls,
                             ledger_api: EthereumApi,
                             contract_address: str,
                             sender_address: str,
                             owners: Tuple[str],
                             to_address: str,
                             value: int,
                             data: bytes,
                             signatures_by_owner: Dict[str, str],
                             operation: int = SafeOperation.CALL.value,
                             safe_tx_gas: int = 0,
                             base_gas: int = 0,
                             safe_gas_price: int = 0,
                             gas_token: str = NULL_ADDRESS,
                             refund_receiver: str = NULL_ADDRESS,
                             gas_price: Optional[int] = None,
                             nonce: Optional[Nonce] = None,
                             max_fee_per_gas: Optional[int] = None,
                             max_priority_fee_per_gas: Optional[int] = None,
                             old_price: Optional[Dict[str, Wei]] = None,
                             fallback_gas: int = 0) -> JSONLike

Get the raw Safe transaction


  • ledger_api: the ledger API object
  • contract_address: the contract address
  • sender_address: the address of the sender
  • owners: the sequence of owners
  • to_address: Destination address of Safe transaction
  • value: Ether value of Safe transaction
  • data: Data payload of Safe transaction
  • signatures_by_owner: mapping from owners to signatures
  • operation: Operation type of Safe transaction
  • safe_tx_gas: Gas that should be used for the Safe transaction
  • base_gas: Gas costs for that are independent of the transaction execution (e.g. base transaction fee, signature check, payment of the refund)
  • safe_gas_price: Gas price that should be used for the payment calculation
  • gas_token: Token address (or 0x000..000 if ETH) that is used for the payment
  • refund_receiver: Address of receiver of gas payment (or 0x000..000 if tx.origin).
  • gas_price: gas price
  • nonce: the nonce
  • max_fee_per_gas: max
  • max_priority_fee_per_gas: max
  • old_price: the old gas price params in case that we are trying to resubmit a transaction.
  • fallback_gas: (external) gas to spend when base_gas and safe_tx_gas are zero and no gas estimation is possible.


the raw Safe transaction


def verify_contract(cls, ledger_api: LedgerApi,
                    contract_address: str) -> JSONLike

Verify the contract's bytecode


  • ledger_api: the ledger API object
  • contract_address: the contract address


the verified status


def verify_tx(cls,
              ledger_api: EthereumApi,
              contract_address: str,
              tx_hash: str,
              owners: Tuple[str],
              to_address: str,
              value: int,
              data: bytes,
              signatures_by_owner: Dict[str, str],
              operation: int = SafeOperation.CALL.value,
              safe_tx_gas: int = 0,
              base_gas: int = 0,
              gas_price: int = 0,
              gas_token: str = NULL_ADDRESS,
              refund_receiver: str = NULL_ADDRESS,
              safe_version: Optional[str] = None) -> JSONLike

Verify a tx hash exists on the blockchain.

Currently, the implementation is an overkill as most of the verification is implicit by the acceptance of the transaction in the Safe.


  • ledger_api: the ledger API object
  • contract_address: the contract address
  • tx_hash: the transaction hash
  • owners: the sequence of owners
  • to_address: Destination address of Safe transaction
  • value: Ether value of Safe transaction
  • data: Data payload of Safe transaction
  • signatures_by_owner: mapping from owners to signatures
  • operation: Operation type of Safe transaction
  • safe_tx_gas: Gas that should be used for the Safe transaction
  • base_gas: Gas costs for that are independent of the transaction execution (e.g. base transaction fee, signature check, payment of the refund)
  • gas_price: Gas price that should be used for the payment calculation
  • gas_token: Token address (or 0x000..000 if ETH) that is used for the payment
  • refund_receiver: Address of receiver of gas payment (or 0x000..000 if tx.origin).
  • safe_version: Safe version 1.0.0 renamed baseGas to dataGas. Safe version 1.3.0 added chainId to the domainSeparator. If not provided, it will be retrieved from network


the verified status


def revert_reason(cls, ledger_api: EthereumApi, contract_address: str,
                  tx: TxData) -> JSONLike

Check the revert reason of a transaction.


  • ledger_api: the ledger API object.
  • contract_address: the contract address
  • tx: the transaction for which we want to get the revert reason.


the revert reason message.


def get_safe_nonce(cls, ledger_api: EthereumApi,
                   contract_address: str) -> JSONLike

Retrieve the safe's nonce


  • ledger_api: the ledger API object
  • contract_address: the contract address


the safe nonce


def get_ingoing_transfers(cls,
                          ledger_api: EthereumApi,
                          contract_address: str,
                          from_block: Optional[str] = None,
                          to_block: Optional[str] = "latest") -> JSONLike

A list of transfers into the contract.


  • ledger_api: the ledger API object
  • contract_address: the contract address,
  • from_block: from which block to start tje search
  • to_block: at which block to end the search


list of transfers


def get_balance(cls, ledger_api: EthereumApi,
                contract_address: str) -> JSONLike

Retrieve the safe's balance


  • ledger_api: the ledger API object
  • contract_address: the contract address


the safe balance (in wei)


def get_amount_spent(cls, ledger_api: EthereumApi, contract_address: str,
                     tx_hash: str) -> JSONLike

Get the amount of ether spent in a tx.


  • ledger_api: the ledger API object
  • contract_address: the contract address (not used)
  • tx_hash: the settled tx hash


the safe balance (in wei)


def get_safe_txs(cls,
                 ledger_api: EthereumApi,
                 contract_address: str,
                 from_block: BlockIdentifier = "earliest",
                 to_block: BlockIdentifier = "latest") -> JSONLike

Get all the safe tx hashes.


  • ledger_api: the ledger API object
  • contract_address: the contract address (not used)
  • from_block: from which block to search for events
  • to_block: to which block to search for events :return: the safe txs


def get_removed_owner_events(cls,
                             ledger_api: EthereumApi,
                             contract_address: str,
                             removed_owner: Optional[str] = None,
                             from_block: BlockIdentifier = "earliest",
                             to_block: BlockIdentifier = "latest") -> JSONLike

Get all RemovedOwner events for a safe contract.


  • ledger_api: the ledger API object
  • contract_address: the contract address
  • removed_owner: the owner to check for, any owner qualifies if not provided.
  • from_block: from which block to search for events
  • to_block: to which block to search for events


the added owner events


def get_zero_transfer_events(cls,
                             ledger_api: EthereumApi,
                             contract_address: str,
                             sender_address: str,
                             from_block: BlockIdentifier = "earliest",
                             to_block: BlockIdentifier = "latest") -> JSONLike

Get all zero transfer events from a given sender to the safe address.


  • ledger_api: the ledger API object
  • contract_address: the contract address
  • sender_address: the owner of the service, ie the address that triggers termination
  • from_block: from which block to search for events
  • to_block: to which block to search for events :return: the zero transfer events


def get_remove_owner_data(cls, ledger_api: EthereumApi, contract_address: str,
                          owner: str, threshold: int) -> JSONLike

Get a removeOwner() encoded tx.

This method acts as a wrapper for removeOwner()


  • ledger_api: the ledger API object
  • contract_address: the contract address
  • owner: the owner to be removed
  • threshold: the new safe threshold to be set


the zero transfer events


def get_swap_owner_data(cls, ledger_api: EthereumApi, contract_address: str,
                        old_owner: str, new_owner: str) -> JSONLike

Get a swapOwner() encoded tx.

This method acts as a wrapper for swapOwner()


  • ledger_api: the ledger API object
  • contract_address: the contract address
  • old_owner: the owner to be replaced
  • new_owner: owner to replace old_owner


the zero transfer events


def get_owners(cls, ledger_api: EthereumApi,
               contract_address: str) -> JSONLike

Get the safe owners.


  • ledger_api: the ledger API object
  • contract_address: the contract address


the safe owners


def get_approve_hash_tx(cls, ledger_api: EthereumApi, contract_address: str,
                        tx_hash: str, sender: str) -> JSONLike

Get approve has tx.