This module contains the data classes for common apps ABCI application.
Event Objects
class Event(Enum)
Event enumeration for the price estimation demo.
FinishedRegistrationRound Objects
class FinishedRegistrationRound(DegenerateRound)
A round representing that agent registration has finished
RegistrationStartupRound Objects
class RegistrationStartupRound(CollectSameUntilAllRound)
A round in which the agents get registered.
This round waits until all agents have registered.
def end_block() -> Optional[Tuple[BaseSynchronizedData, Event]]
Process the end of the block.
RegistrationRound Objects
class RegistrationRound(CollectSameUntilThresholdRound)
A round in which the agents get registered.
This rounds waits until the threshold of agents has been reached and then a further x block confirmations.
def end_block() -> Optional[Tuple[BaseSynchronizedData, Event]]
Process the end of the block.
AgentRegistrationAbciApp Objects
class AgentRegistrationAbciApp(AbciApp[Event])
Initial round: RegistrationStartupRound
Initial states: {RegistrationRound, RegistrationStartupRound}
Transition states: 0. RegistrationStartupRound - done: 2. 1. RegistrationRound - done: 2. - no majority: 1. 2. FinishedRegistrationRound
Final states: {FinishedRegistrationRound}
Timeouts: round timeout: 30.0