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What is an agent service

An agent service is an off-chain autonomous service which runs as a multi-agent-system (MAS) and is crypto-economically secured on a public blockchain.

Agent services enable complex processing, take action on their own and run continuously. Moreover, agent services are crypto-native by construction, that is, they are decentralized, trust-minimized, transparent, and robust.

See some use cases of agent services that can be built with the Open Autonomy framework.


The Open AEA framework provides the necessary components for building single agents. Open Autonomy extends this framework to a service architecture, making possible to build applications as distributed systems (that is, agent services) that can be run by multiple, independent operators.

The internal state of an agent service is replicated across all the agents in the service through a consensus gadget (a sort of short-lived blockchain).

This is what an agent service looks like:

Architecture of an agent service

  • Agent service: The decentralized off-chain service that implements a certain functionality. It is composed of \(N\) agents, where \(N\) is a parameter that is defined by the owner of the service.

  • Operator: An entity or individual that owns the infrastructure where an agent is run. Each operator manages an agent instance and a consensus gadget node.

  • Agent: The software unit that aggregates the runtime and functionalities to execute the service. Each agent is made up of a number of components that implement different functionalities, for example, what communication protocols the agent understands.

  • FSM App: The core component inside an agent that defines the business logic of the service. FSM App implements the underlying mechanisms for agents to synchronize their internal state and run the business logic in a decentralized fashion.

  • Consensus gadget: The infrastructure that enables agents to synchronize the service state and reach consensus on certain important decisions. From a technical point of view, the consensus gadget implements a blockchain based on Tendermint that is pruned periodically. By consensus gadget we usually refer to the collection of consensus nodes + consensus network.

  • Agent service multisig Safe: Smart contract based Multisig that secures the service by requiring a threshold of agents to sign any transaction before it is executed.

How it works

The FSM App, which encodes the business logic of the service, is structured as a finite-state machine defining a series of steps that each agent in the service must follow in order to achieve the intended functionality.


This is a toy example of how an FSM App defines the business logic of an oracle service that collects prices from a source and publishes it on a blockchain:

Oracle FSM App - toy example

The FSM App replicates automatically the state and transitions across agents using the consensus gadget. This ensures that the execution flow of the service, its inputs and outputs are synchronized across all agents, creating a distributed (and decentralized) application with shared state that is fault tolerant.


When developing an agent service, the developer can focus on defining the steps of the service in the FSM App as if it were a standalone application, and get the replication mechanism "for free".

The Open Autonomy framework will provide most of the machinery to ensure that the agents' state is replicated as the service is executed.

If at some point the service needs to execute an action involving an external service, e.g., settling a transaction on a blockchain, then the following occurs:

  1. The agents in the service nominate by consensus an agent (known as keeper) to perform the action.
  2. A threshold of agents has to approve and sign the transaction, using the service multisig Safe. This prevents a malicious agent from executing an external action on its own.
  3. Furthermore, the agents in the service verify that the transaction was executed successfully. Otherwise, a new keeper will be nominated and the transaction will be retried.

The threshold on the minimum number of agents required to sign is typically, but not exclusively, set at 2/3 of the total of agents.