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This module contains the core models for all the ABCI apps.

FrozenMixin Objects

class FrozenMixin()

Mixin for classes to enforce read-only attributes.


def __delattr__(*args: Any) -> None

Override delattr to make object immutable.


def __setattr__(*args: Any) -> None

Override setattr to make object immutable.

TypeCheckMixin Objects

class TypeCheckMixin()

Mixin for data classes & models to enforce attribute types on construction.


def __post_init__() -> None

Check that the type of the provided attributes is correct.

GenesisBlock Objects

class GenesisBlock(TypeCheckMixin)

A dataclass to store the genesis block.


def to_json() -> Dict[str, str]

Get a GenesisBlock instance as a json dictionary.

GenesisEvidence Objects

class GenesisEvidence(TypeCheckMixin)

A dataclass to store the genesis evidence.


def to_json() -> Dict[str, str]

Get a GenesisEvidence instance as a json dictionary.

GenesisValidator Objects

class GenesisValidator(TypeCheckMixin)

A dataclass to store the genesis validator.


def to_json() -> Dict[str, List[str]]

Get a GenesisValidator instance as a json dictionary.

GenesisConsensusParams Objects

class GenesisConsensusParams(TypeCheckMixin)

A dataclass to store the genesis consensus parameters.


def from_json_dict(cls, json_dict: dict) -> "GenesisConsensusParams"

Get a GenesisConsensusParams instance from a json dictionary.


def to_json() -> Dict[str, Any]

Get a GenesisConsensusParams instance as a json dictionary.

GenesisConfig Objects

class GenesisConfig(TypeCheckMixin)

A dataclass to store the genesis configuration.


def from_json_dict(cls, json_dict: dict) -> "GenesisConfig"

Get a GenesisConfig instance from a json dictionary.


def to_json() -> Dict[str, Any]

Get a GenesisConfig instance as a json dictionary.

BaseParams Objects

class BaseParams(Model, FrozenMixin, TypeCheckMixin)



def __init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None

Initialize the parameters object.

The genesis configuration should be a dictionary with the following format: genesis_time: str chain_id: str consensus_params: block: max_bytes: str max_gas: str time_iota_ms: str evidence: max_age_num_blocks: str max_age_duration: str max_bytes: str validator: pub_key_types: List[str] version: dict voting_power: str


  • args: positional arguments
  • kwargs: keyword arguments

_MetaSharedState Objects

class _MetaSharedState(ABCMeta)

A metaclass that validates SharedState's attributes.


def __new__(mcs, name: str, bases: Tuple, namespace: Dict,
            **kwargs: Any) -> Type

Initialize the class.

SharedState Objects

class SharedState(Model, ABC, metaclass=_MetaSharedState)

Keep the current shared state of the skill.


def __init__(*args: Any, skill_context: SkillContext, **kwargs: Any) -> None

Initialize the state.


def setup_slashing(validator_to_agent: Dict[str, str]) -> None

Initialize the structures required for slashing.


def get_validator_address(agent_address: str) -> str

Get the validator address of an agent.


def acn_container() -> Dict[str, Any]

Create a container for ACN results, i.e., a mapping from others' addresses to None.


def setup() -> None

Set up the model.


def round_sequence() -> RoundSequence

Get the round_sequence.


def synchronized_data() -> BaseSynchronizedData

Get the latest synchronized_data if available.


def get_acn_result() -> Any

Get the majority of the ACN deliverables.

Requests Objects

class Requests(Model, FrozenMixin)

Keep the current pending requests.


def __init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None

Initialize the state.

UnexpectedResponseError Objects

class UnexpectedResponseError(Exception)

Exception class for unexpected responses from Apis.

ResponseInfo Objects

class ResponseInfo(TypeCheckMixin)

A dataclass to hold all the information related to the response.


def from_json_dict(cls, kwargs: Dict) -> "ResponseInfo"

Initialize a response info object from kwargs.

RetriesInfo Objects

class RetriesInfo(TypeCheckMixin)

A dataclass to hold all the information related to the retries.


def from_json_dict(cls, kwargs: Dict) -> "RetriesInfo"

Initialize a retries info object from kwargs.


def suggested_sleep_time() -> float

The suggested amount of time to sleep.

TendermintRecoveryParams Objects

class TendermintRecoveryParams(TypeCheckMixin)

A dataclass to hold all parameters related to agent <-> tendermint recovery procedures.

This must be frozen so that we make sure it does not get edited.


def __hash__() -> int

Hash the object.

ApiSpecs Objects

class ApiSpecs(Model, FrozenMixin, TypeCheckMixin)

A model that wraps APIs to get cryptocurrency prices.


def __init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None

Initialize ApiSpecsModel.


def get_spec() -> Dict

Returns dictionary containing api specifications.


def process_response(response: HttpMessage) -> Any

Process response from api.


def increment_retries() -> None

Increment the retries counter.


def reset_retries() -> None

Reset the retries counter.


def is_retries_exceeded() -> bool

Check if the retries amount has been exceeded.

BenchmarkBlockTypes Objects

class BenchmarkBlockTypes(Enum)

Benchmark block types.

BenchmarkBlock Objects

class BenchmarkBlock()


This class represents logic to measure the code block using a context manager.


def __init__(block_type: str) -> None

Benchmark for single round.


def __enter__() -> None

Enter context.


def __exit__(*args: List, **kwargs: Dict) -> None

Exit context

BenchmarkBehaviour Objects

class BenchmarkBehaviour()


This class represents logic to benchmark a single behaviour.


def __init__() -> None

Initialize Benchmark behaviour object.


def local() -> BenchmarkBlock

Measure local block.


def consensus() -> BenchmarkBlock

Measure consensus block.

BenchmarkTool Objects

class BenchmarkTool(Model, TypeCheckMixin, FrozenMixin)


Tool to benchmark ABCI apps.


def __init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None

Benchmark tool for rounds behaviours.


def measure(behaviour: str) -> BenchmarkBehaviour

Measure time to complete round.


def data() -> List

Returns formatted data.


def save(period: int = 0, reset: bool = True) -> None

Save logs to a file.


def reset() -> None

Reset benchmark data