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autonomy build-image

Builds the agent image for a service.

This command builds the Docker runtime images for the agent defined in a service configuration file service.yaml. By default, the command tags the generated images as


where <author> is the author name from the local CLI config (specified with autonomy init), oar stands for "Open Autonomy Runtime", and <agent_package>:<package_hash> is the PUBLIC_ID of the agent. These default tags can be modified using certain options described below.


The images are built by fetching the packages from the IFPS registry. Therefore, before running the command, make sure that all the required packages are published on the IPFS registry.


autonomy build-image [OPTIONS] [AGENT_PUBLIC_ID]


--service-dir PATH
Path to the service directory.
-e, --extra-dependency DEPENDENCY

Provide extra dependency.

--version TEXT
Version tag for the image.
--image-author TEXT
Author name for the image.
Build the agent image for the dev mode.
Pull the latest dependencies when building the image.
-f, --dockerfile FILE
Specify custom Dockerfile for building the agent
Show the help message and exit.


  • Build the runtime image for a service located in the folder your_service:

    autonomy build-image --service-dir /your_service

    Or, alternatively:

    cd /your_service
    autonomy build-image
  • Build the agent image for a specific service without fetching the service package:

    autonomy build-image <author>/<agent_package>:<package_hash>

    where <author>/<package_name>:<package_hash> is the PUBLIC_ID of the agent.

  • Build an agent image with a custom version tag:

    autonomy build-image <author>/<agent_package>:<package_hash> --version <version>

    This will tag the image as <author>/oar-<agent_package>:<version>.

  • Build an agent image with a custom author name:

    autonomy build-image <author>/<agent_package>:<package_hash> --image-author <custom_author>

    This will tag the image as <custom_author>/oar-<agent_package>:<package_hash>.

  • Build the runtime image for the dev mode:

    autonomy build-image --service-dir /your_service --dev

    This will tag the image as <author>/oar-<agent_package>:dev.

  • Include extra python packages:

    autonomy build-image ... -e open-aea-ledger-flashbots==1.48.0

    This will tag the image as <author>/oar-<agent_package>:<version>.