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This module contains the handler for the 'abstract_round_abci' skill.


def exception_to_info_msg(exception: Exception) -> str

Transform an exception to an info string message.

ABCIRoundHandler Objects

class ABCIRoundHandler(ABCIHandler)

ABCI handler.


def info(message: AbciMessage, dialogue: AbciDialogue) -> AbciMessage

Handle the 'info' request.

As per Tendermint spec (

  • Return information about the application state.
  • Used to sync Tendermint with the application during a handshake that happens on startup.
  • The returned app_version will be included in the Header of every block.
  • Tendermint expects last_block_app_hash and last_block_height to be updated during Commit, ensuring that Commit is never called twice for the same block height.


  • message: the ABCI request.
  • dialogue: the ABCI dialogue.


the response.


def init_chain(message: AbciMessage, dialogue: AbciDialogue) -> AbciMessage

Handle a message of REQUEST_INIT_CHAIN performative.

As per Tendermint spec (

  • Called once upon genesis.
  • If ResponseInitChain.Validators is empty, the initial validator set will be the RequestInitChain.Validators.
  • If ResponseInitChain.Validators is not empty, it will be the initial validator set (regardless of what is in RequestInitChain.Validators).
  • This allows the app to decide if it wants to accept the initial validator set proposed by tendermint (ie. in the genesis file), or if it wants to use a different one (perhaps computed based on some application specific information in the genesis file).


  • message: the ABCI request.
  • dialogue: the ABCI dialogue.


the response.


def begin_block(message: AbciMessage, dialogue: AbciDialogue) -> AbciMessage

Handle the 'begin_block' request.


def check_tx(message: AbciMessage, dialogue: AbciDialogue) -> AbciMessage

Handle the 'check_tx' request.


def settle_pending_offence(accused_agent_address: Optional[str],
                           invalid: bool) -> None

Add an invalid pending offence or a no-offence for the given accused agent address, if possible.


def deliver_tx(message: AbciMessage, dialogue: AbciDialogue) -> AbciMessage

Handle the 'deliver_tx' request.


def end_block(message: AbciMessage, dialogue: AbciDialogue) -> AbciMessage

Handle the 'end_block' request.


def commit(message: AbciMessage, dialogue: AbciDialogue) -> AbciMessage

Handle the 'commit' request.

As per Tendermint spec (

Empty request meant to signal to the app it can write state transitions to state.

  • Persist the application state.
  • Return a Merkle root hash of the application state.
  • It's critical that all application instances return the same hash. If not, they will not be able to agree on the next block, because the hash is included in the next block!


  • message: the ABCI request.
  • dialogue: the ABCI dialogue.


the response.

AbstractResponseHandler Objects

class AbstractResponseHandler(Handler, ABC)

Abstract response Handler.

This abstract handler works in tandem with the 'Requests' model. Whenever a message of 'response' type arrives, the handler tries to dispatch it to a pending request previously registered in 'Requests' by some other code in the same skill.

The concrete classes must set the 'allowed_response_performatives' class attribute to the (frozen)set of performative the developer wants the handler to handle.


def setup() -> None

Set up the handler.


def teardown() -> None

Tear down the handler.


def handle(message: Message) -> None

Handle the response message.

Steps: 1. Try to recover the 'dialogues' instance, for the protocol of this handler, from the skill context. The attribute name used to read the attribute is computed by '_get_dialogues_attribute_name()' method. If no dialogues instance is found, log a message and return. 2. Try to recover the dialogue; if no dialogue is present, log a message and return. 3. Check whether the performative is in the set of allowed performative; if not, log a message and return. 4. Try to recover the callback of the request associated to the response from the 'Requests' model; if no callback is present, log a message and return. 5. If the above check have passed, then call the callback with the received message.


  • message: the message to handle.

HttpHandler Objects

class HttpHandler(AbstractResponseHandler)

The HTTP response handler.

SigningHandler Objects

class SigningHandler(AbstractResponseHandler)

Implement the transaction handler.

LedgerApiHandler Objects

class LedgerApiHandler(AbstractResponseHandler)

Implement the ledger handler.

ContractApiHandler Objects

class ContractApiHandler(AbstractResponseHandler)

Implement the contract api handler.

TendermintHandler Objects

class TendermintHandler(Handler)

The Tendermint config-sharing request / response handler.

This handler is used to share the information necessary to set up the Tendermint network. The agents use it during the RegistrationStartupBehaviour, and communicate with each other over the Agent Communication Network using a p2p_libp2p or p2p_libp2p_client connection.

This handler does NOT use the ABCI connection.

LogMessages Objects

class LogMessages(Enum)

Log messages used in the TendermintHandler


def __str__() -> str

For ease of use in formatted string literals


def setup() -> None

Set up the handler.


def teardown() -> None

Tear down the handler.


def initial_tm_configs() -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]

A mapping of the other agents' addresses to their initial Tendermint configuration.


def initial_tm_configs(configs: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> None

A mapping of the other agents' addresses to their initial Tendermint configuration.


def dialogues() -> Optional[TendermintDialogues]

Tendermint config-sharing request / response protocol dialogues


def handle(message: Message) -> None

Handle incoming Tendermint config-sharing messages

IpfsHandler Objects

class IpfsHandler(AbstractResponseHandler)

A class for handling IPFS messages.