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Agent service deployment


This section is under review and will be updated soon.

Tooling has been provided to allow for the automatic generation of deployments via deployment specifications.

Agent service deployments can be built on the fly.

Generate deployment configuration

To learn about generating the deployment configuration, run the following command:

$ autonomy deploy build --help

Usage: autonomy deploy build [OPTIONS] [KEYS_FILE]

  Build deployment setup for n agents.

  --o PATH                        Path to output dir.
  --n INTEGER                     Number of agents.
  --docker                        Use docker as a backend.
  --kubernetes                    Use kubernetes as a backend.
  --dev                           Create development environment.
                                  Logging level for runtime.
  --packages-dir PATH             Path to packages dir (Use with dev mode)
  --open-aea-dir PATH             Path to open-aea repo (Use with dev mode)
  --open-autonomy-dir PATH        Path to open-autonomy repo (Use with dev
  --aev                           Apply environment variable when loading
                                  service config.
  -ltm, --local-tm-setup          Use local tendermint chain setup.
  --image-version TEXT            Define runtime image version.
  --remote                        To use a remote registry.
  --local                         To use a local registry.
  -p                              Ask for password interactively
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
autonomy build-image --help

Usage: autonomy build-image [OPTIONS] [PUBLIC_ID_OR_HASH]

  Build image using skaffold.

  --service-dir PATH  Path to service dir.
  --dev               Build development image.
  --pull              Pull latest dependencies.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

For example, in order to build a deployment from scratch for oracle abci, first ensure you have a clean build environment and then build the images:

rm -rf abci_build
autonomy build-image valory/oracle_hardhat

Next, run the command to generate the relevant build configuration:

autonomy deploy build deployments/keys/hardhat_keys.json

A build configuration will be output to ./abci_build.

This can then be launched using the appropriate tool. For example, to launch a deployment using docker-compose.

cd abci_build/
docker-compose up --force-recreate

This will spawn:

  • a network of n Tendermint nodes, each one trying to connect to a separate ABCI application instance;
  • n AEAs, each one running an instance of the ABCI application, and a finite-state machine behaviour to interact with the round phases.

The logs of a single AEA or node can then be inspected with docker logs {container_id} --follow.

Building & tagging local images

export SERVICE_ID=author_name/service_name
export VERSION=0.1.0
autonomy build-image ${SERVICE_ID}

Conceptually, the image to be used within a deployment should contain all required dependencies and packages.

Configuration of containers and agents is done via environment variables.

Required dependencies

  • Skaffold: Deployment Orchestration
  • Kind: Local Cluster deployment and management.
  • Kubectl: kubernetes cli tool
  • Docker: Container backend

Cluster deployment

In addition to Docker-Compose-based deployments, we support cluster deployments using Kubernetes.

Quick cluster deploy

Run the following make targets for a quick deployment of the oracle:

svn checkout
cd infrastructure
make localcluster-start

To configure local cluster

  1. Create a local cluster and save the kubeconfig locally

    # build cluster and get kubeconfig
    kind create cluster

  2. Login to docker:

    docker login -u valory

  3. Deploy registry credentials to the cluster

    kubectl create secret generic regcred \
                --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=/home/$(whoami)/.docker/config.json \

  4. Set skaffold configuration to use a remote registry

    skaffold config set local-cluster false

  5. (Optionally,) deploy monitoring and dashboard:

    # create dashboard user and deploy dashboard configuration
    kubectl create serviceaccount dashboard-admin-sa
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding dashboard-admin-sa --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:dashboard-admin-sa
    skaffold run --profile dashboard
    # launch dashboard app in firefox

  6. (Optionally,) retrieve the token for the dashboard:

    echo (kubectl describe secret (kubectl get secret | grep admin | awk '{print $1}') | grep token: | awk '{print $2}')

To deploy poc

# deploy poc to cluster
skaffold run --profile minikube

Dev mode

Watch for changes and automatically build tag and deploy and changes within the context of the build directories

# deploy poc to cluster
skaffold dev --profile minikube

Tear down

kind delete cluster